If you are having a home built or having a renovation done on a pre-existing home, it is a good idea to have a proper inspection done. This helps not only ensure the builder has done everything correctly and to code, but also that you got what you paid for. Many people often believe that if it's new construction, it doesn't need to be thoroughly inspected. That couldn't be further from the truth.
In today's world, you can never be too safe. With narrow margins and more strict building codes, there's more opportunity for a contractor to cut corners or use a cheaper material. This could lead to a whole host of issues.
ROCKHALL INSPECTION SERVICES has your back and will go the extra mile when it comes to protecting your investment, as well as the safety of you and your family. Our inspectors are the most detailed in the area and uphold the most critical standards. They will inspect every component of the new structure, making sure the proper material were used and it was done properly. Structural integrity, efficiency, code compliance, and overall safety, are looked at through a magnifying glass...no matter how new the construction.